Friday, 20 March 2015

contoh materi teks deskriptif

Materi Pembelajaran
       Fakta                   :    Teks Descriptive  Lisan dan Tulis Sederhanatentangorang atau                            tempat wisata :Borobudur
       Modeling of text


Rounded Rectangle: describe the qualityDescription

Rounded Rectangle: Characteristics

Rounded Rectangle: Parts


The Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is a Hindhu-Buddhist templebuild in 9th century under the Syailendra dynasty of Java. It is located near Magelang, on the Island of Java, Indonesia.
Abandoned in the 11th century and partially excavated by archaeologists in the early 20th century, Borobudur temple is well-known all over the world.
Influencedby the Gupta architecture of India, the temple is constructed on a hill 46 m ( 150 ft ) high and consists of eight-step like stone terraces, one on top of the other.
The first five terraces are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Buddhist sculpturein bas-relief; the upper three are circular, each with a circle of bell- shapedstupas ( Buddhist sfrines ).
The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa at the center of the topcircle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passages and stairways.
The design of Borobudur, a temple-mountain symbolizing the structure of the universe, is similar to the temples built at Angkor, Cambodia.
The Borobudur Temple, rededicated as an Indonesian national monument in 1983, is a valuable treasure for Indonesian people.

(Taken from : Look Ahead an English Course for Students Year X)

Rounded Rectangle: Simple Present Tense 

Rounded Rectangle: Relating VerbsKata kerja yg berhubungan dengan /

Rounded Rectangle: Participle Phrases 

Rounded Rectangle: Compound Adjectives

Kata sifat gabungan/

Rounded Rectangle: Adjective

Rounded Rectangle: Comparative degree


Purpose                       :    to describe a particular place of Borobudur Tample.

Text Organization       :    Identification :
                                        ( mention the special participant )
                                        Description :
                                        ( mention the parts, qualities, and characteristics of the subject                            being describe )
Language Features     :    1.     The use of adjectives and compound adjectives
                                             e.g. : a circle of bell- shapedstupas
                                                      a large stupa at the center

                                        2.  The use of linking verb/relating verbs
                                             e.g. :  well-known = terkenal/termasyur
                                                      consists of = terdiri dari / meliputi

                                        3.  The use of Simple Present Tense
                                             e.g. :  Borobudur is a Hindhu-Buddhist temple

                                        4. Use of Past Tense or Past Participle ( to show the background                                     of the subject being describe )
                                             e.g. :  Influencedby the Gupta architecture of India
                                                      It is located near Magelang

                                        5. The use of degree of comparison
                                             e.g. :  the upper three are circular
                                                      is similar to the temples built at Angkor, Cambodia.    

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